Strands of our work

The Clan of the Cailleach

I’m connecting more and more with my heritage of the Cailleach.. the folk goddess of the lands of my clan. This work has been blessed by my late auntie who told me stories I had forgotten about our clan connection with the Cailleach and even though she was living with dementia she remembered the stories. I was blown away when she breathed the words into my drum “I am a Cailleach”

This Clan of the Cailleach work will honour her and my grandmother who lived by the waters of the Cailleach in Argyll. 

Dementia Training

The Journal Of Dementia Care Conference

As nationally recognised dementia trainers we have various models to share such as working with people living with dementia, inspirational supervision and looking after staff. We offer services for carers too, but our favourite project is drumming with people living with dementia. 

Do  get in touch For more information.


Collaberation with Plymouth Womens Network and other projects.

Leading drumming groups for other projects (such as for Feminist Fusion above) we support women's work in our city and further afield. We have run women's groups in Wales as well as different parts of Devon and Jersey. Experienced in women's work at a very deep level in acute mental health services, we want to bring the heartbeat of the drum into healing and development work for women. Since the Drumkeeper Lorna has been free lance full time, the drums have taken her to work with refugees in her hometown of Glasgow as well as in England. The drums have been Drumming for Peace in Jersey and celebrating at an Interfaith Picnic in Scotland. The drums have recently been to the Plymouth International Dinner working with the Plymouth Centre for Faith And Cultural Diversity. With the PCFCD they drummed in the Council Chamber and a few drums were played by council members! We had a very lovely time at the pop up Goddess temple in Hawthorne House Ivybridge where we were honoured to share the Clan of The Cailleach work with the Priestess Mary North-Gatfield

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Standing with our Sisters

We work with our indigenous sisters to raise awareness of the Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit people in North America. These fundraising drums have the Red hand a symbol of this work. These are sold and gifted ... more in the making.
50% of FULL price going to indigenous aid projects in Canada.

Dementia drumming (thanks Gerda)!

With a great deal of experience in statutory Dementia work we have expanded into Dementia Drumming. Having learned more about Honouring Our Elders in work with our First Nations teachers we use the drum in Dementia Drumming workshops and in care settings. We have aligned with various other groups and in particular we like to support Norms Mac and who are based in Devon. They have a worldwide community and I have been honoured to meet this beautiful lady Gerda in America supported by her daughter Daisy Vest of I was so happy to work with these ladies I made a drum for Gerda and posted it over… and am delighted to say she loved it and played it till she passed on. A very special Elder much missed...