What We Do

I love my heartbeat ...
I don't know about you but I love my heartbeat.. when I've done some exercise and it's beating quickly I know that it's good for me.. when I'm relaxed and still and it slows down with me, I feel at peace..
But in my work I noticed that there were people who, for a while, don't want to celebrate their heartbeats or who are too unwell to or who have forgotten to do so or forgotten how to do so.
My sweet drums help us remember who we are... and to Celebrate that.
Drums lovely drums...
Stunning XL horse drum 2025 front view

Bespoke XL horse drum 2025 lacing view

Drum making workshops
Tis our greatest desire that everybody in the world has a personal drum.. To this end we try to keep our Drum making price as fair as we can. Prices range from £200 pounds to for a 12" goat drum. If you organise a group you will get a group discount. We have a variety of hoops and hide and the hide and hoop you choose will vary the cost.

We have been taught our craft in Canada
This was a rattle making lesson in Canada with Sandy our teacher in 2011. Sandy has been here since to teach rattles and drums.

We can come to you!
This was a drum gifting ceremony on a community land project in Jersey to honour the land keepers If your group is big enough, and with good planning, we can travel to run workshops. .

Personal and couple drum making.
Sometimes it feels right to have a personal drum making ceremony. We work with one or two people if there is a desire for real focus.. This was a personal drum in memory of a loved one. We have a held a few of these as we can put our grief into the drum and have the joy of the drum helping us to go forward honouring our loved one.
A small sample of current drums for sale.
Reindeer, horse, deer and goat.