Why not..

Celebrate your heartbeat ...

celebrate being you

About Us

Come open your heart to the beat...

Welcome to the latest work 

New Moon workshops coming ..
Get in touch to express interest.

  Grandmother Moon Work with Lorna McTavish Coulson.      Women’s flow workshop.

In this well-loved workshop, we will take some time out to explore our deep connection with Grandmother Moon and Mother Earth. How do we flow with the Moon? How do these beauties guide us? How can we hold on to this on tough days? How do we heal?

We will be using song, drumming, mediation, and some personal reflection time for internal inquiry into your relationship with Grandmother Moon. You will be passed the medicine of Lorna’s Grandmother Moon Song. We will be blessed with the Eagle and Moon Medicine passed to Lorna by her First Nations Sister and Teacher.

We have acquired some strong crystals from a good source. We will be using these in meditation and ceremony during this workshop. Women may use them in personal ceremony going forward. We will also work with a Moon essence oil which will be gifted to take home.

Dates to follow 10am -5pm   Plymouth.  

Cost £70 (earlybird & concessions £55) to include crystals and oil blend.

Shared lunch. Soup, teas etc provided.

Contact with Lorna by email  info@celebrateyourheartbeat.org  to join one of the workshops. 


There is a breadth to the work that mirrors the depth and honours life cycles.


Drums are just a part of what we bring...

We offer lots of different experiences and they do not all include drums.

With the gentleness of experience we work with bereavement.

Grief and loss work is a big part of what we do.
End of life work and ceremony - personal or for a family or group.
Long term grief work and buried grief work carry on long after a loved one has passed. Loss can come in many forms and we have ceremonies and workshops to offer alongside one to one work.

Elder work

Through teachings from childhood we consider it an honour to work with Elders in our community and try to make our sessions accessible. Our drumming has been highlighted nationally at Dementia Conferences. We value this work even more as the drums have supported our family at times.

Tell it to the bees...

One of our beloved griefwork ceremonies is called "Tell it to the bees". We have learned this old tradition of telling the bees when a beekeeper dies and have woven this into our workshop on loss.

"Our breath comes as the first thing we do and the last we let go..."
Chief Sandy

Out and about on Mother Earth

Look Deep Into My Eyes...

Working with nature and connecting. Meet us on the land.

Tartan drums.. .

Which one will come home with you..

Connect with our First Nations friends in Canada.

Cultural exchange is at the centre of Celebrate Your Heartbeat… we have received so much from our friends in Canada. We try to give back what we can and awareness raising about 1000s of the children lost at the residential schools is one of our projects. Orange shirts day is on the 30th of September and in Canada people wear orange shirts to remember the children who died. We stand with our friends as children remains are being recovered around the residential schools run by the church and the government over the past 100 years.

"I have been waiting 72 years to play a drum..."
CYH drum circle participant, May 2024.

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